Digital publication | Page 40

They now thought that the strange device could make them teleport to a random location. To see if this is true TEST 5678 pressed the button again. The same thing happened. Everything went dark, and now they were somewhere else and like before a message popped up. It was a message from Infinity: ‘’Wellcome to Havana Cuba’’. At this point, both of them were invested in this device. They could run around different countries looking at famous statues and buildings, having fun.

Before someone caught them, they could press the button and end up in another place. And they did this same thing everywhere they visited.

They pressed the button once more. But this time they were in a place like no other. The place was very bright and sunny. They saw camels, huge pyramids and sand everywhere. The two were confused but intrigued. The message that popped up said ‘’Welcome to Giza, Egypt, you have arrived at your destination’’. TEST 5678 didn’t even read the message, all he knew was that he hated walking in the sand and he wanted to leave. He tried to press the button, but the button had gone. There were just the lights left and all of them lit up bright green. Before TEST 5678 could even say something the other yelled and pointed