Story 1
The Mystery of the Fitzgeralds
In a town called Tomsville, there was a house that nobody had ever heard about. It was older than any other house in the neighbourhood. It had holes in the roof, rotten wood peeled paint and boarded up windows. Everyone thought that the house was abandoned but they were wrong. An old man lived in that house but rarely anyone ever saw him. All they knew about him was that he lived in the house for years and that he had a daughter that went missing years ago. But one day, a boy named Jim went missing. Everyone went searching for him, but they couldn’t find him. Jim had a friend called Mark. Ever since that day when Jim went missing, Mark was upset. He looked all over the town, but he
couldn’t find him anywhere. Until that one day…
“Finally, school is over”, said Mark happily. “Now that it’s Friday I can go back home and watch some TV after that look for my buddy Jim tomorrow morning.”