Again, she didn’t succeed. No matter how many times she tried, she couldn't.
“I don’t understand anything, it’s very strange. I can only say that the book is orange. I couldn't make out the name, everything was blurry. If you are interested, you can go to our "small" library. Maybe you'll find something..." explained the woman.
Jenny was intrigued by the prophecy and wanted to find the book:
“Let's! find it!” the girl said enthusiastically.
The witch led her to the library. While she was opening the door, Jenny looked with great surprise at a very spacious room with thousands of shelves on the walls.
“Yes, a “small” library ... I won’t manage it for the rest of my life,” she thought.
“Well, I'll leave you alone,” the woman said.
However, Jack suddenly appeared on her back and volunteered to help the girl. Nobody objected. The woman left them alone.
“Why did you stay to help me?” asked the girl.
“I’ve just heard about the prophecy.” the boy said shortly, not uttering a word afterwards.
Thank God there were few books with orange covers in the library. This narrowed down the search. They took away all the orange books and put them on the table. After that, they just started flipping through them, reading some paragraphs. Several hours passed. Finally, Jenny found a phrase that sounded like a prophecy.
She began to read aloud:
“If you want to get your smile back, you need to get rid of the wicked witch…”
The boy and the girl started creating a plan. The first point of the plan was to bake a poisonous cake. Jack and Jenny invited the witch to celebrate her birthday in the secret room. However, the plan collapsed because the crazy woman said: “I don‘t eat cakes”. “Well, that plan failed, do you have any ideas?” asked the boy to the girl. Their second point of the plan was to create a clever trap, so they dug a hole in front of the cabin. Children decided to put tigers inside the hole to eat the witch. After that, they decided to add leaves on top of the trap to make it seem more realistic. As they were putting the leaves on the top, the witch noticed them. Then the witch caught the boy and locked him in the dungeon. The boy felt hopeless and was even sadder than he was before. He thought this was the end of the road...