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Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients.

This means that they are present in relatively small quantities but are necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.

Vitamin C is one of many nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy, but it’s far from the only one.

In this article we’re going to discuss what vitamin C is, how you can get more of it in your diet, and the potential benefits you may gain from doing so.

What Is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is one of thirteen essential vitamins.

In terms of nutrients, essential means that your body needs them, but can’t produce them, so they must be obtained from external sources.

Vitamin C is present in dietary sources, primarily in fruits and vegetables. It has a number of potential health benefits that we’ll explore in the rest of this article.

It’s also water soluble, which means it’s less likely than fat soluble vitamins to build up in the body or cause negative health effects.

Health Benefits Of Vitamin C

Like any essential nutrient, your body needs vitamin C in some amount to function properly

Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of vitamin C.

1. It’s An Antioxidant

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means that it helps to protect the body’s cells and strengthen the immune system.

It does this by neutralizing potentially harmful substances called free radicals.

Free radicals can appear both from normal metabolic processes and from external pollutants or radiation interacting with cells.

Once within the body, free radicals react with cells in ways that can cause damage.

Vitamin C, among other antioxidants – like glutathione and curcumin, can react with the free radicals before they interact with cells to prevent the damage before it occurs.

2. It Supports Your White Blood Cells

You may have heard that vitamin C helps stop you from getting sick, and there is some truth to this common cold-fighting claim.

Vitamin C helps to stimulate production of lymphocytes and phagocytes, which are both types of white blood cells that defend the body against infection and disease.

It also helps to prevent free radicals from damaging white blood cells, and strengthens the skin’s barriers against infection, reducing the number of threats that the immune system needs to fight.

Let’s Talk About Vitamin C

Tanya Lee ND.