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Nowadays you drink Glucose and then run. There was no Glucose in forests. So what God has done, he has giver ready made gunny bags of sugar called Glycogen in liver. So when you get scared of tiger, there is an adrenal which is created in inside your body. Automatic nervous system. That fear creates that adrenal. When that adrenal touches the liver, the sugar in the liver turns to Glucose which is called neo gluco genesys. New sugar creates. So the sugar comes up, you will get the energy to run.

When you start running your blood pressure has to increase. Same adrenal when it touches the heart, your heart starts beating fast. Blood pressure increases. So your blood pressure increased, your sugar increased, steroid increased, so now you could run. You start running. When you start running , all these which has increased, starts decreasing. After you run and stop, you will notice that everything is normal. Your blood pressure is normal, your sugar is normal, thyroid normal, your heart rate is normal, everything normal.

You know why all these things have been created ? That you have to survive without medicine. Thar is your inner healer. That is an inner healer is in every human being. Suppose you get cancer. What is cancer ? Cancer is not a disease. Our own cell , we destroy its environment. Inside our body,Ph alkaline. Our blood should be a bit alkaline.If it becomes acid, the cells cannot survive. The food which we take, suppose, we are taking non-veg everyday, our blood becomes acidic. Then what these cells do ? They get scared, how to survive in this acidic condition. To survive, they mutate. The cells which mutate, we call it cancer. It is our own cell, when it finds it difficult to survive, it mutates. What we do in the treatment, we try to kill that.

Actually, we shouldn't kill it, we should try to change the environment. When we change that acidic environment to alkaline, everything becomes OK. All this energy is given by God to us.

Now what we have done is, we have got a premonition that without our medicines we cannot survive. They are giving medicines right now from babies. Now it has come to this point, there in America they made a research. 95 % of people irrespective of people irrespective of age, take at least one medicine, each day. One in twenty people take five medicines daily. Sir, how addicted are people to medicines. Same thing, there are tribal people, there are kanjars in Pakistan, in Himalayas, also in Russia. There are people in such places, without any touch with medicines. They are living for hundred years without any medicines. Even the African tribal people , polynesian islanders. What they do in polynasian , to drink they give tender coconut water. And to eat coconut. And fish. They don't cook the fish. They eat it raw. You should cook the fish. But if you cook it, it becomes acidic. People are living for 110 years, eating them raw. If there is good environment, that is good food, fresh air, clean water, peace in mind, if all these are there, we have all the strength to live for years, without any medicines.

Nowadays we have to give money for everything, we have dirtied the water, then we sterilize it and again sell it for money. Because we are drinking all unwanted drinks. Human being is the only species who drinks milk from other animals. This is injustice to the environment. In this nature, no animal drinks milk from another animal. Three animals drink, they are human beings, they are dogs, they are cats. All these three have less life. There are dogs in forests, they live for 50 years. If a pet dog at home lives for 25 years, it is a big thing. It lives only for 15 years. Because you feed it cow's milk. It is foreign body, becomes anti body. In the same way you feed cod's milk to the baby. You are doing too injustice to the baby. After mother's milk, the body doesn't have the strength to digest the milk from other animals.

When you drink milk what happens, it goes to the stomach becomes acid, and then turns into curd. There is no injustice from that curd. But at the time it goes from your mouth to the stomach it creates antibodies. The cause to many diseases is drinking milk. When you give your baby, only mother's milk and will not give any other milk, that baby will not have many diseases. That baby will have no heart disease, no cancer, it will have no diseases. But we are doing this. So to live without medicines in this age is very difficult. To correct all these in this age, we have to do some yoga. Pranayama. We have to stabilize our mind. We should have peace in mind. We should love others. We should have clean food. How many are getting good food, tell me. Many don't know this, we waste so much food, In our country some million children don't have one meal a day.