Digital publication | Page 73

Our planet is facing a disastrous future is evident by the sign and signals of the present and immediate past events that have gone by . The reasons are very obvious. The ecological imbalances that human race is creating in pursuing our economical model for it’s convenience and greed. In the name of progress and development , ecology of the planet both in micro and macro levels has been disturbed so far. Technology and science have aided this disaster to become faster and unmanageable . Sadly we still have been seeking solutions through technological and scientific advances which are being designed in an economical model. Thus we find the solutions transmutating in to bigger problems. [eg. energy,→coal→diesel→ atomic→wind→solar→ wave , ??]

Here the problem is apparently we seem to find solution but we only end up nudging the problem to a different place. The reason is the “solutions” are economical and consuming in nature. We need to find solutions that are sound ecologically. That means the consuming aspect of human race has to be put aside and conservation has to be the focus of human race. So logically we have to make conserving culture to be the core of thought process in finding the solutions. So we need to move from consuming culture to the conserving culture. When this shift takes place ecology is brought back in to focus, not economy. Thus we move away from an economic model to an ecological model where in we grow millets and trees instead of building machines and missiles.

Last 100 years human race has moved to monoculture of food practises as it becomes convenient for the corporate to centralize the production by building dams and choosing few crops that grow on irrigation of water (rice, wheat, sugar cane, milk and meat) Technological advances both genetic modifications and mechanizations galvanized by the chemical science advances have woven disaster after disaster on the health of the planet’s flora and fauna along with the health of human race.

Infectious diseases which were manageable have turned into problems to burden all the health care systems in the world. That means we are again seeking an economic model instead of ecological model in solution in going after a vaccine-based solution which is an utter failure. Instead we need to make everyone immune strong. The reasons are obvious – monoculture food habits which have caused microbial imbalance and hormonal imbalance in human’s body.

To become immune strong we need to have diversified food culture through food that grows locally and indigenously which can correct three imbalances that are results of industrial food culture. Also these local food practises solve the problem of industrial and ecological imbalance in large scale as the millets do not require water to grow ( 8000 litres rice / kg , 10,000 litres wheat / kg , 28,000 litres sugar / kg, 50, 000 litres meat / kg ) Millets require only 800 litres / kg. Sometime we have demonstrated in large numbers tails millet food practises can correct the three imbalances , glucose, microbial and hormonal , thus bringing back the sick human populations to health.

So it is important that we recognize that we have problems that are created by our choice & food ( industrial food culture ) both at micro level and hence we need to change that factor of food to find solutions for the planet global warming and many other problems are due to the food human race is consuming and not anything else. So, unless we bring changes in that we are not going to find solutions to any problem.

In short I want to make this single point that we need to move away from industrial food culture which is consuming fauna and flora of the planet to millet based local food cultures which can enrich local flora and fauna and thus bringing back ecological balance. This is conserving culture. We conserve resources to the future generation. Thus this method becomes sustainable and health giving choice.

“You can bring joy and peace to the planet not by making (building ) machines and missiles but by growing trees and millets”.

-Dr. Khadar