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The PCR Tests Are Useless

By now, every government knows – there is no way of ignoring it – that the PCR tests are useless. They do not allow detecting the existence of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. The WHO has admitted that the test as applied since January 2020 in invalid.

However, most of the 193 UN member governments – with a few exceptions – run over this evidence like a steamroller, hoping the masses will not notice..

They may do so probably as long as it takes to get the world population vaccinated — as Bill Gates wants it. Remember, when he said, the world won’t be getting back to somewhat close to normal until the 7 billion world population is vaccinated.

Again, one wonders what ulterior agenda might be behind this ferocious, coercive and human rights abusing effort of most world governments – involving the UN system as a whole.

The entire vaccination hype – everybody is strong armed or otherwise manipulated into being vaccinated against a virus that does not need a vaccine to cure it. As we know by now, there are plenty of inexpensive but effective viral medicines that work efficiently against covid. China had no vaccines to combat the covid outbreak. Yet, they did it in a record time.

Recently, the EU Commission ratified a Vaccination Passport, or Certificate, without which your “free” movements may be tremendously hampered.

It becomes increasingly clear that there is another agenda in action; a “different agenda” from that of protecting people’s health.

What are injected, especially with these non-vaccines, called mRNA jabs – never tested before – are, among other bio-chemicals, women- and men-sterilizing and fertilization inhibiting agents, as well as special electromagnetic proteins converting your body into an EM field for eventual digitization, to make humans into “trans-humans”.

These modern Frankensteins could then be remotely controlled and become a walking “Agenda ID2020” – so they will eventually carry all their health and other personal data in their bodies. Agenda ID2020 is a Bill Gates creation and has already been approved in several countries, including Germany.

We are not there yet. But that is the plan. Bear in mind, life is not linear, but dynamic.

The Great Reset, UN Agenda 2030, “Building Back Better”, and other slogans to ring in the Big Change, are all based on linear approaches. They may work for a while. But in the long-run, dynamics – the life-inherent defense system, will prevail. See also “The Big Picture” article

The danger of vaccination is multifaceted and, if carried out in the midst of what is called a pandemic, it can cause a global catastrophe a few years on, according to an interview with Dr. G. Vanden Bossche, a renowned virologist, who worked for many years for the pharma industry, notably vaccine manufacturers, including Pfizer, Moderna, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and GAVI – the Vaccine Alliance, in Geneva – physically located – by sheer coincidence – next door to WHO.

Premature death is written all over the place from all sorts of artificially imposed causes, as part of the huge criminal fraud of covid, the mass manipulation by the media driven by government lies – lies indoctrinated by false media propaganda – by the 193 UN member governments. What a coincidence!

Think about it.

And especially ask your governments without hesitating with a loud voice that TESTING BE IMMEDIATELY STOPPED.

Stop Testing Immidiately