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Another major concern is the possibility that the COVID-19 “vaccine” can make infections worse. There is convincing evidence that this experimental gene therapy may trigger “antibody-dependent enhancement” and increase the virus’s ability to infect your cells. In other words, if you come down with the infection after being vaccinated, you may have a much worse case than if you had never had the “vaccine.” Many experts are predicting a surge of life-threatening infections, inflammatory disorders and deaths in the coming months for those who have been vaccinated.]

Of course, the blame will be placed on a mutant, particularly virulent strain of the virus, rather than on a poorly tested experimental gene therapy. Even if it were acknowledged, the U.S. government, which has spent. $12.4 billion on COVID-19 vaccines so far, would foot the bill for damages incurred. By law, pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for any injury caused by any vaccine. So, they are reaping enormous profits with no downside risk of product liability.

Not Only Dangerous but Ineffective

Not only is the media downplaying the “vaccine’s” side effects, they seem content to simply repeat the drug makers’ overly optimistic claims of efficacy.

You have probably heard that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are 95% effective. This is a false claim. Yet, the medical establishment and the government bureaucrats have simply taken these pharmaceutical companies’ word for it and are encouraging everyone to line up for their “vaccines.”

At the time the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna products were approved, these pharmaceutical giants had failed to release most of the raw data from their vaccine trials. In fact, they are still withholding much of it. However, now that more of it is available for review, a different picture is emerging.

British Medical Journal (BMJ) Associate Editor Peter Doshi, who had the opportunity to review the available data, pointed out the inconsistencies and weaknesses of the pre-approval trials. He concluded that rather than the widely publicized 95% effective rate, these “vaccines” are, at best, 19% effective. At this low rate, they would never have been approved!

Health Bureaucrats Are Flying Blind

There are still many unknowns about this experimental gene therapy. There is no indication that it saves lives or prevents spreading the infection to others, which is why health bureaucrats continue to recommend masking and social distancing.

One of the many unintended consequences of the

COVID-19 lockdowns and scare tactics perpetrated by

the government and health bureaucrats is an increase in

cardiovascular deaths. Now more than ever, you need to

understand your risks and do something about them.

- Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

" I beleive in the road less less travelled, or never travelled "