Digital publication | Page 10

The construction of one new school building with 4 fully-furnished classrooms has provided students with a quality learning environment and will incentivise them to continue and finish their education. With access to a motivating and hygienic learning environment, parents from Ba Hoe Village and other surrounding communities will be encouraged to allow their children to pursue an education. Therefore, we expect enrolment rates to increase even further.

We expect the community to benefit tremendously from the new school building. Students will be more engaged, literacy rates will increase, secondary school attendance will rise, and school dropout rates will decrease. We further expect more children to continue to high school.

The sustainability of the school is guaranteed through close cooperation and collaboration with the community and local organization KnED. The Ba Hoe Middle School is a community-based school and a minimum amount of MMK 3,000 (approx. USD 2) is collected from students’ parents each year to buy stationery supplies for the school. Teachers’ salary is supported by the local community and KnED. The school committee, local community, and KnED will be responsible for further school maintenance and improvements. Child’s Dream will carry out regular follow-up visits for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

Project Performance