The Fort Issue 12 June 2022 | Page 3




The end of the year is a favourite for many. With summer quickly approaching the excitement in the air is palpable. It can be felt in the many activities we have had going on over the past few weeks.

Once again our grade 12 graduation was a success. See what awards our students won on page 14. The VIS community also took the time to bid farwell to our grade 10 and grade 12 students. We wish them all the best in their future studies. See more on page 17.

After two years,we have finally resumed field trips in middle school. The students had really enjoyed themselves. See what they got up to on page 20.

Meanwhile, in elementary, Friday Focus was a major highlight of the term. Turn to page 26 to find out more.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to credit the young artists responisble for our front cover. This was an art project completed by kindergarten classes KK and KG based on IPC Unit on Stories People Tell or Myths and Legends.

As the year draws to a close, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish our community an enjoyable summer.

Happy Reading

