The Fort Issue 10 November 2021(clone) | Page 28

2. Spanish in Elementary

Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 learnt about alebrijes, brightly-coloured Mexican folk art sculptures of fantastical creatures. After watching a video showing how alebrijes are made, students got creative and drew their own, combining animals related to the four VIS houses - water, earth, fire and wind.

Students in Grade 2 practised reading the poem “Ojos de sapo, patas de rana”, which is a spell to wish people good luck on Halloween. Then, they created their own spells using the poem as a model. This activity helped us review vocabulary related to animals and parts of the body.

In Grade 3 we learnt about transport. We started our topic by brainstorming means of transport and made a list in our vocabulary notebooks. Then, we asked each other the question “¿Cómo vas al colegio?” and collected data for a bar graph.

We concluded the unit by watching a video about Q'eswachaka, a bridge which is built in the original Inca manner made from a special woven grass (q'oya). It's rebuilt every year as a communal effort. About 1000 peasants from the neighbouring communities are involved in the construction of this unique Inca hanging bridge. After watching the video, the students used a thinking routine (“I see, I think, I wonder”) to reflect on what they had learnt. [Ms Ana]

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