Maximum Yield USA April 2018 | Page 98

Root 22 “ We also try to house a lot of inventory, as we know how difficult it can be to find a store that has everything you need—in stock—and not have to deal with the wait.” How many people now work for the store? Right now, it’s just me full-time. Michelle works part-time, and a couple family members still volunteer part-time throughout the week. What makes Root 22’s employees so awesome? We are really like a family here at Root 22. We all knew each other for many years before any of us got into business together. We all trust each other and aren’t afraid to check and balance each other out, and we respect one another’s ideas and opinions. What are your company’s strengths? Communication. We all work very well with each other and we all have the same end goal: we want this. We have the knowledge to help our customers out. We know these products, as we use them and stand by them ourselves. We have great customer service, complete with a great attitude and a smile. When it comes to something that we may not be familiar with, we always take the time to learn about it and become educated, and our customers have also taught us a lot of things we didn’t know. We also try to house a lot of inventory, as we know how difficult it can be to find a store that has everything you need—in stock—and not have to deal with the wait. What is your company philosophy? Our philosophy will always be to stay educated on the products and to never sell any customer something we wouldn’t buy and use ourselves; quality not quantity. What are some of your successes? One of our successes is in our training with master gardeners. We also volunteer and provide equipment to local schools through their STEM programs. We participate actively with the local community (i.e. science fairs, environmental participation, and educational seminars). What significant things you have learned so far about the industry and about starting a company? Gardening seems to be this cool, underground club that not a lot of people know about but should! It is such a rewarding experience growing and using what you grow in any application. As for starting and growing a company, success isn’t an overnight thing, but with hard work, dedication, and the right team, we have learned that anything is possible. Any words of wisdom you’d like to share? When it comes to business, rely on yourself and your people. The industry is in flux and the prospects for tomorrow are just unlimited. Is there an ultimate bucket-list goal for the company? If anything, we just hope to keep growing as a business and hopefully can be recognized as the biggest and best-stocked store in western Pennsylvania. 98 grow cycle